Mackenzie Fahey Programming

2022 and Beyond

Plans, Hopes, and Dreams

While gearing up to embark on new projects, I realized I still have not created posts about my job searching experience, so I wanted to outline what to expect for content in 2022 and beyond. As I mentioned in my last blog, my immediate plans involve writing a short series about the tasks used to assess my technical ability to give other newcomers an idea of what to expect. I applied to a variety of jobs, so I was given tasks that spanned different subdisciplines, but I have chosen three of the most involved and interesting projects, including:

  1. Django-based Contact Book Web Application
  2. js-based Web Component for Fetching API Information
  3. AWS Percona DB Server with Redundancy
  4. (Additional) Smaller Problems, experiences more aligned with people’s expected coding interviews

These tasks are projects that were assigned to me during interviews, and I will provide details about what I did, what they thought, what they were looking for, and what I learned. This data science/software development area is already well explored, but I still did not feel like I was prepared or accurately knew what to expect! Luckily, it was not so bad, and the first three items were projects that I was given multiple days to think about and work on, which is a process that is becoming quite common in the post-pandemic world.

Since a lot went into the first three items, they will all receive their own project post with all the detail that went into research, design, execution, and retrospective ideas. The last item will be a blog post where I will go through my favorite coding problems and questions I was asked to complete during interviews, and I do not mean favorite in the sense of my enjoyment but ones that challenged me and were not expected.

Along with these interview projects, I plan to write a couple of blogs related to my job search, my new job, and the work I am doing. This will allow people to get an idea of what jobs are out there in healthcare and the skills I am finding valuable in healthcare data science. I have personal project ideas that I am eager to get started on, but with mentioned writing tasks and continuing to dedicate most efforts to my new role, I do not plan on really getting anything fresh rolled out. Either way, this site will see quite a bit of content this year and I will start to expand where I post my writings!

Happy Reading/Learning/Coding!!!